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你是否认为,白葡萄酒在饮用前需要冰镇而红葡萄酒却无需冰镇?本文为您介绍5种在饮用前冰镇20分钟左右口感和风味会更佳的红葡萄酒. Think
标签: 2019-07-09 -
香槟一直象征着奢华和品质,你知道世界上最名贵的香槟有哪些吗?本文这就为你一一揭晓. Champagne always symbolizes
标签: 2018-09-22 -
有朋友问小编,2016年只剩下两个多月了,有没有什么出名的酒展或者品酒会值得一去呢?今天,小编给大家盘点一下这两个多月还有哪些酒展值得参加. A friend asks me if there are any wonderful wine fairs worth visiting in the next two months? Now, let's make a list of these wine fairs. 有朋友问小编,2016年只剩下两个多月了,有没有什么有意思的酒展或者品酒会值得一去
标签: 2018-12-22 -
生活中人们可以看到越来越多食品贴上了有机的标签,有机葡萄酒,虽然不多,也开始在市场上崭露头角,那么,有机葡萄酒是指什么呢? We see an increasing amount of food labeled as organic food. Among those, the organic wines, though show little presence in the market, are on a steady rise. So what does an organic wine m
标签: 2018-10-06 -
人们常说:身体和灵魂,总有一个要在路上.作为葡萄酒爱好者,相信大家都希望有一天能够亲临葡萄酒产区,去遇见不一样的风景,去亲近每一株葡萄树,去体验葡萄酿造的奇妙过程,而新西兰就在这里,等着你前往. As a wine lover, we all want to have the chance to go to the wine regions where we can encounter with different scenery and have an intimate experience
标签: 2018-11-15 -
具有陈年潜力的葡萄酒,在瓶陈过程中会发生颜色.香气和口感上的变化.一旦错过了最佳适饮期,葡萄酒就会开始走下坡路. Wines with ageing potential can develop in the bottle. The color, aroma and taste will change as time goes by. Once you missed the best drinking time, there can be unpleasant smells. 不少爱酒的人总喜欢在
标签: 2019-01-25 -
今天上午爱士图尔酒庄公布了它的2016年份期酒价格,而发售价格和2015年份处在同一水平. Chateau Cos d'Estournel
标签: 2019-06-21 -
2017年波尔多左岸杯葡萄酒大赛欧洲区决赛在伦敦举行,瑞士洛桑高等商学院及意大利博科尼大学晋级总决赛. The European final of LBBC 2
标签: 2019-04-25 -
葡萄酒不仅可以单独饮用及佐餐,还可以用来烹饪.本文将为你介绍几款适合用于烹饪的葡萄酒. Wines can not only be used to pair with food, it also plays a very dramatic role in cooking. This article introduces some wines for cooking. 在许多人的眼中,葡萄酒可能只是一种饮料,可单独饮用也可用来佐餐.但其实葡萄酒也可用来烹饪,且在操作得当的情况下能大大提升一道菜的口
标签: 2018-08-23 -
桃红葡萄酒向来以浪漫娇艳的色泽吸引众多人的眼球.看似简单的桃红背后隐藏着多少秘密呢?一张图为你解析! Rose wines tend to attract people's attention by its pink color. Do you really understand this special kind of wine? 最近几年,桃红葡萄酒凭借其浪漫的色泽以及易饮的风格深受人们喜爱.它的风格介于红白葡萄酒之间,既不像红葡萄酒那般沉稳厚重,也不似白葡萄酒般晶亮雅致.它有自己独树一帜的
标签: 2019-02-19 -
历时2年建工,丽歌菲雅投资了1.9亿元人民币的新办公室和访客接待中心于上周五在香槟产区正式落成开放. Following a €25 million investment and two years of building work, Nicolas Feuillatte officially opened its new offices and visitor centre in Champagne on Friday. 法国最大的香槟(Champagne)生产合作社丽歌菲雅(Nicolas
标签: 2018-08-18 -
品鉴葡萄酒时,怎能缺了用以形容葡萄酒陈年程度的专业词汇? How can we taste wine without wine aging glossaries? 好酒也要选择合适的时间喝.如果一瓶价格高昂的拉菲古堡红葡萄酒(Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac, France)刚装瓶不久就被打开,岂不是暴殄天物?所以熟知各种葡萄酒所需的陈年时间非常重要,同时在品鉴时也要善于运用形容葡萄酒陈年程度的专业词汇. 图片来源:Vivino 1. 未成熟的(Backwa
标签: 2019-05-08 -
酒业巨头星座集团收购查尔·史密斯酒庄,并将其在加拿大价值7.5亿美元的葡萄酒产业出售. Wine and beer giant Conste
标签: 2018-07-15 -
如今,城市酒庄不断涌现,城市酒庄葡萄酒成为新风尚.本文将阐述城市酒庄的优势,并分析其葡萄酒是否值得投资. Nowadays, urban wineries are exploding in popularity, and urban wines becomes a new trend. This article will analyze whether the urban wines worth an investment or not? 如今,城市酒庄(Urban Winery)不断涌现,它们
标签: 2018-07-21 -
大卫·科瑞兹近日发布了一款带有智能温控的取酒器--普拉姆.普拉姆一上市就引起了消费者的热议,一方对其智能的温控设备大加赞赏,而另一方则是认为它的价格过于昂贵. David Koretz released an intelligent wine device called Plum which attracts the eyes of wine customers. Some praise its advanced feature while the others think it is too
标签: 2019-02-12 -
最近备受业界推崇的作品一号想必已经被各位葡萄酒粉丝列在了购物清单上.这款酒无论是从香味.口感还是权威评分上都令人满意.此外,这还是一款有故事的红酒,且待小编慢慢道来. Opus One has gone viral these days, wine lovers are sure to put it on the shopping list. There is no denying that the aromas, flavors and scores of the wine is satisf
标签: 2019-04-08 -
意大利超级托斯卡纳产区的奥纳亚酒庄发布了2014年份酒款的"艺术家之获"酒标设计,此次为该酒庄进行酒标设计的是巴西著名艺术家埃内斯托·内图. Italy Super Tuscan Ornellaia unveils latest 'Vendemmia d'Artista' design. Ernesto Neto is the latest artist to provide a design for the collection to accompany the 2014 vinta
标签: 2018-10-06 -
上周,第九届奥纳亚酒庄"艺术家之获"系列酒款在纽约所罗门·R·古根海姆博物馆慈善拍卖会上拍卖,拍卖总额达112,500美元(约合人民币775,878元). The ninth edition of Ornellaia's 'Vendemmia d'Artista' collection made US$112,500 at auction last week when it was sold at a charity auction at the Solomon R. Guggenhe
标签: 2019-03-13 -
咖啡和葡萄酒,是很多人心目中的两大挚爱饮品.可是,很少人知道,这两种饮品无论是在种植酿造,还是在饮用品鉴上都有许多的相似之处. For lots of people, coffee and wine are two favorite beverages. But few people know that these two beverages have many similarities in planting, making and serving. 在刚结束的亚洲国际葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会(
标签: 2019-03-02 -
由波尔多特级酒庄联合会举办的2014年份葡萄酒品鉴会广州站昨日于广州四季酒店举行,红酒世界团队应邀参加. UGCB Hosted 2014
标签: 2018-12-21