电影《冰美人》首映礼 发布冰封美人照

文章简介:12月10日,好莱坞爱情冒险奇幻电影<冰美人>在北京举行了发布会.最佳最佳外语片导演弗莱基米尔·缅绍夫,导演波塔波夫携主创人员:维纳格拉多娃卡捷琳娜.安德烈拉泽夫.喜莲娜(俄).赵慧仙(韩).水原碧衣(日)等共同出席发布会.波塔波夫介绍电影<冰美人>讲述了一个冰封60年的爱情故事,影片中又夹杂着许多人类未解之谜,是一部值得一看的电影. 观影完毕后,在媒体沟通会上,记者有幸邀请到<冰美人>的导演波塔波夫做一次专访. Reporter: Director Hello, th



Reporter: Director Hello, this is your first time to China, is also the first time to bring their own work to China, the Chinese film in the face of flowers, the market competition, what are you prepared?


Director: I have been concerned about China's film market. "Ice beauty" is also my team after a long time polished, our entire team is very confident, I believe that the film will not let the audience disappointed, so this time with the "ice beauty" came to China, has done, and accept all the challenges of preparation.


Reporter: "the ice beauty" love, fantasy, adventure, ghost, or what the values of most influential works or the director?


Director: "ghost" is a classic movie, the director is great, very rich imagination. I am in the professional field is always love Jerry Zach, and works style has always been influenced by him, "the ice beauty" and "ghost" the most direct shock to that from will never change until death between men's love.


Reporter: at present, the most popular Chinese audience look forward to the domestic science fiction film "body" do you have to pay attention to it? Do you watch the film?


Director: of course! "Three body" I have heard of this film.


Reporter: I heard that "the ice beauty" production team behind strong, so that China audience is looking forward to the advent of movies.


Director: ice beauty out of the work of the Chinese people, most of them are from Hollywood shooting team, photographers from the European Union Photography Association, the film used a lot of special effects.


Reporter: Well, thank you very much for receiving the interview, also with the film "the ice beauty" New Year's day release when hit.


Director: Thank you.
