《权游》将迎最终季 盘点那些荧幕后不为人知的故事
Executive Producers David benioff and D.B. Weiss said the production of the show is a massive undertaking. It lasts the entire year and they shoot the show like a ten-hour movie. Season 5 alone was shot in five countries,on 151 sets,for 240 days,having 166 cast members,over 1,000 crew members and over 5,000 extras.
Charles Dance found Lord Tywin's treatment of his son appalling. In fact,so appalling that Dance kept apologizing to Dinklage between takes.
Peter Dinklage,who portrays Tyrion Lannister in the show,appears in more episodes than any other cast member. Dinklage is in total of 61 out of 67 episodes.
While filming Season 7 in Iceland,temperatures sometimes dropped down to -20°F (-28°C). Much of the cast had inadequate thermal underwear. Norwegian actor Kristofer Hivju,made sure that all of the cast members got merino wool underwear from Norwegian clothing company devold.
Although Cersei and Tyrion don't share fond feelings towards each other,the actors behind them,Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage get along just fine. In fact,they get along so well that whenever their shooting schedules line up,Dinklage and Headey share an apartment,drive to the set together,and are frequently seen going to local pubs and restaurants to eat. Also,Dinklage was probably the reason Headey got the role of Cersei,as he recommended her to David benioff and D.B. Weiss,having previously worked together on other projects.
In the novels,Maester of Castle Black,Aemon Targaryen,is revealed to be completely blind,which is unsurprising as the character is over a hundred years old. The actor who plays this wise character,Peter Vaughan,was actually partially blind at the time of filming the show. Maester Aemon was also Vaughan's last role.
Queen Cersei was fan-voted as the series' most hated character. The actress who plays the role,Lena Headey,said that the fans' hatred for the character often translates to her personally as people at times insult or shun her in real life. While there are plenty of people who adore her and her portrayal of Cersei,Headey reported that during an autograph session at Comic Con,people would snatch their books from her hands to prevent her from signing it.
瑟曦女王被粉丝们票选为该剧最招人恨的角色。瑟曦的扮演者,琳娜·海蒂曾说,粉丝们对这一角色的痛恨往往会转嫁到她本人身上。在现实生活中,有人会对她言语侮辱,或是和她保持距离。虽然有很多人十分喜爱她和她对“瑟曦”这一角色的诠释,海蒂说,在Comic Con漫展上的签名环节中,有人曾一把夺过她手里的书,禁止她在上面签名。
The man behind the villainous Ramsay Bolton,Iwan Rheon,was originally AIMIng for a completely different role. It was another bastard from the North,Jon Snow. By the end of casting period Rheon and Harington were tied for the role of Jon,however the showrunners ultimately chose Kit. But Iwan's portrayal of Ramsay was truly memorable.
Gwendoline Christie,who plays Brienne of Tarth,said that the most grueling scene she ever filmed was the fight between her and The Hound. She spent 2 months training,3-4 days a week with swordmaster C.C.Smiff,just to build up the required stamina for her fight scene.
格温多兰·克里斯蒂在剧中饰演塔斯的布蕾妮。她说,在她拍摄过的电影中,和猎狗(The Hound)的打斗是她拍过的最费劲的一段剧情。她和用剑大师C.C.史密夫花了两个月时间训练,每周训练3到4天,就是为拍摄这段打斗场面准备必要的精力。
“Game of Thrones” definitely has many fans worldwide and it's no surprise that Barack Obama is one of them. According to the actor who plays Davos Seaworth,Liam Cunningham,after season 5 aired,the former US president approached one of the directors and asked about Jon Snow's fate. The showrunners also revealed that Obama once asked to see the first episodes of season 6 before everyone else,and they agreed.
Maisie Williams,who plays Arya Stark,says that when fans meet her,they often ask her to recite the list of names Arya always recites before sleeping and to insert the fan’s name into the list.
In June 2014,Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visited the Game of Thrones set in Belfast as part of a three-day visit to Northern Ireland. Elizabeth was offered the chance to sit on the Iron Throne but declined,as the monarch of Great Britain is not supposed to sit on a foreign throne,even a fictional one.
In sharp contrast to his turn as sadistic Joffrey,everyone on the show describes actor Jack Gleeson as a warm and friendly person. He is also good friends with Sophie Turner.
While there are some characters played by multiple actors in the series,there is also an actor who played multiple characters. Dean-Charles Chapman played a minor role of Martyn Lannister in Season 3,but was later cast as Tommen Baratheon for later seasons.
The actor behind Melisandre,Carice van Houten,could’ve played Cersei Lannister. She was asked to audition for the role of the queen,but was unable to because she was filming Intruders.
Daenerys had purple eyes in the books,but the contact lenses emilia Clarke wore affected her performance so they were abandoned.
In the series,Charles Dance’s character,Tywin Lannister,was previously married to a woman named Joanna,who died birthing Tyrion and with whom he had three children. In real life,Dance was previously married to a woman who was also named Joanna,and has three children.
In the year 2012,around 160 baby girls in the U.S. were legally named “Khaleesi”,after the character in the show,although it is not the character's name,Daenerys,but a title that is an equivalent of “queen” in Dothraki language.
黄老板艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)也曾在第七季中客串过。