克里夫•欧文(Clive Owen)演过的电影及宝马广告大片

文章简介:2000-2015Last Knights ----- (2015)海明威情史Ernest Hemingway------(2011)影子舞者Shadow dancer------(2012)铁血精英The killer elite------(2011)恶魔入侵Intruders ------(2011)信任Trust------(2010)口是心非Duplicity------(2009)跨国银行The International ------- (2009)The Boys Are Bac


Last Knights ----- (2015)

海明威情史Ernest Hemingway------(2011)

影子舞者Shadow dancer------(2012)

铁血精英The killer elite------(2011)

恶魔入侵Intruders ------(2011)



跨国银行The International ------- (2009)

The Boys Are Back in Town ------- (2008)

第79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 79th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2007)

赶尽杀绝/火线保镖/格杀勿论/枪击/史密斯先生 Shoot 'Em Up ------- (2007)

伊丽莎白:黄金时代/伊丽莎白女王:辉煌年代/金色年华 Elizabeth: The Golden Age ------- (2007)

Children of Men: Visions of the Future ------- (2007)

粉红豹/傻豹遇著乌Sir Sir The Pink Panther ------- (2006)

The Ultimate Heist: Making 'Inside Man' ------- (2006)

内部人士/局内人/案内人 Inside Man ------- (2006)

San Sebastián 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006)

人类之子/绝种浩劫/硕果仅存/末代浩劫 Children of Men ------- (2006)

The Making of 'Derailed' ------- (2006)

King Arthur: A Roundtable Discussion ------- (2005)

绝地威龙/越轨追击/玩火/出轨 Derailed ------- (2005)

Blood on the Land: The Making of a King ------- (2005)

Brit Awards 2005 ------- (2005)

第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awar

The Orange British Academy Film Awards ------- (2005)

The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2005)

Sin City: The Premiere ------- (2005)

罪恶之城/原罪之城/万恶城市/罪恶城 Sin City ------- (2005)

Starz on the Set: Sin City ------- (2005)

The Making of 'King Arthur' ------- (2004)

Starz Special: On the Set of 'King Arthur' ------- (2004)

偷心/靠不近的爱/诱心人 Closer ------- (2004)

亚瑟王/王者无敌/亚瑟王传奇 King Arthur ------- (2004)

至死方休 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead ------- (2003)

超越边界/缘起烽火蔓延时 Beyond Borders ------- (2003)

Ticker ------- (2002)

Beat the Devil ------- (2002)

Hostage ------- (2002)

谍影重重/伯恩的身份/叛谍追击/神鬼认证:神鬼疑云 The Bourne Identity ------- (2002)

The Follow ------- (2001)

"Walk on By: The Story of Popular Song" ------- (2001)

圣子 Chosen ------- (2001)

Ambush ------- (2001)

The Making of 'Gosford Park' ------- (2001)

高斯福庄园/谜雾庄园/高斯福德庄园/高斯福特庄园 Gosford Park ------- (2001)

星 Star ------- (2001)

浑身是胆智多星Powder Keg ------- (2001)

Second Sight: Parasomnia ------- (2000)

Second Sight: Hide and Seek ------- (2000)

Greenfingers ------- (2000)

Second Sight: Kingdom of the Blind ------- (2000)


Split Second ------- (1999)

Second Sight ------- (1999)

The Echo ------- (1998)

杀戮赌场 Croupier ------- (1998)

生命中不能承受之情Bent ------- (1997)

魔鬼交易 The Rich Man's Wife ------- (1996)

Bad Boy Blues ------- (1995)

The Turnaround ------- (1994)

Nobody's Children ------- (1994)

返乡记 The Return of the Native ------- (1994)

An Evening with Gary Lineker ------- (1994)

重装特勤组 Doomsday Gun ------- (1994)

The Magician ------- (1993)

Class of '61 ------- (1993)

世纪 Century ------- (1993)

Close My Eyes ------- (1991)

Lorna Doone ------- (1990)

Precious Bane ------- (1989)

Vroom ------- (1988)

2005年 克里夫欧文接拍了BMW汽车系列广告(宝马广告集),集结了8位一流电影导演的传说中极其伟大无比优秀的广告作品。