too faced粉底液色号 too faced粉底液试色图

文章简介:too faced粉底液状感轻薄不卡粉,自然有光泽,遮盖力强.那么too faced粉底液色号有哪些?下面小编为你提供too faced粉底液试色图. too faced粉底液色号 她家又新出了两个更白一些的色号,snow和pearl,觉得以前不够白的亲可以选哈 snow - Very Fair with Neutral-to-Pink undertones         最白粉调 pearl - Very Fair with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones    

too faced粉底液状感轻薄不卡粉,自然有光泽,遮盖力强。那么too faced粉底液色号有哪些?下面小编为你提供too faced粉底液试色图。

too faced粉底液色号


snow - Very Fair with Neutral-to-Pink undertones         最白粉调

pearl - Very Fair with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones     最白黄调


Porcelain - Fair with Neutral-to-Pink Undertones         第一白粉调

Ivory - Fair with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones           第一白黄调

Vanilla- Fair/Light with Neutral-to-Pink Undertones    第二白粉调

Nude - Light with Neutral-to-Pink Undertones              第三白粉调

Warm Nude - Light with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones                 第三白黄调

Light Beige - Light/Medium with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones  第四白黄调

Natural Beige - Medium with Neutral Undertones

Warm Beige - Medium with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones

Sand - Medium/Tan with Neutral-To-Golden Undertones

Golden - Tan with Neutral-to-Pink Undertones

Honey -  Tan with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones

Carame - Deep Tan with Neutral-to-Golden Undertones

too faced粉底液试色

too faced粉底液评价

混油皮,之前试色号的时候 一边粉一白,一边黄一白,额头不擦,让朋友看也看不出来,最后还是买了黄一白,因为脸本来就比脖子白,感觉黄调不会出问题。后来上妆,感觉一泵有点多,每次涂完都会有剩余,妆效很喜欢,瑕疵遮了有个八成左右,但是之前补水保湿没做好的话,唇周附近会有迷之卡粉。三个小时左右鼻翼泛红就遮不住了(不过我泛红的比较厉害),10个小时下来,基本遮瑕只有原来的一半,我觉得比较适合冬天用,也不会闷痘什么的。