
文章简介:  导语:6月11日我国第五次载人航天飞船神舟十号发射成功,近日,它实现了与天宫一号空间站的成功对接,3名宇航员将在天宫一号内逗留1周左右时间,进行手动对接练习和科学实验并提供青少年太空讲座.下面是小编为大家整理翻译的关于神舟十号与天宫一号空间站对接成功的双语新闻,供大家参考.China's latest manned space capsule docked with an orbiting space station Thursday, and the three astronauts cl


China's latest manned space capsule docked with an orbiting space station Thursday, and the three astronauts climbed aboard what will be their home for the next week, state media reported.


Automated controls guided the Shenzhou-10's docking with the space lab, the Xinhua News Agency said. After entering the space lab, the crew exchanged their space gear for blue jumpsuits, Xinhua said.


During their 12-day stay at the lab, the astronauts will perform a manual docking exercise and conduct scientific experiments. They will also deliver a series of science lectures — part of an outreach to increase the space program's popularity among younger Chinese.


The lab, the Tiangong-1, is an experimental space station. In operation for less than two years, it will be taken out of use later this year and replaced by a larger, more durable module by 2020.


The latest Shenzhou flight the fifth manned mission in a decade in a program that has been marked by methodical advances to catch up with the other two manned space powers — Russia and the U.S.
