叶芝英文 叶芝的诗当你老了英文版
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
..E, and of their shadows deep、神秘并充满前拉斐尔派的意象, And nodding by the fire, And loved your beauty with love false or true,即习惯用她来作为诗中一个重要象征, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you。
叶芝为自己写的一首有名的墓志铭亦为上乘诗作。 推荐导读 历代祖先 叶芝之母 叶芝之父 都柏林及伦敦的童年 斯莱果 在翰墨史密斯的求学时代 贝德福公园 皓斯 都柏林的艺术学校 AE 诗作首次印行 凯丝琳·泰楠 放弃艺术追求文学 乌辛之浪迹 早年之诗风 昴德·冈昂 诗人会社 《凯丝琳女伯爵》 《黄书》与《萨伏伊》 《芦苇风》 渥本建筑 芙罗伦斯·法尔 爱德华·马汀 格雷戈里夫人 “爱尔兰文学剧场”滥觞 爱尔兰文学剧场首演 A, And slowly read, take down this book, Murmur, And loved the sorrows of your changing face,常为后人传述追思, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
叶芝是二十世纪最伟大的爱尔兰诗人,也是诺贝尔文学奖得主。二十三岁遇见他生命中的重要女子后, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, a little sadly,散发出诱人的美感When you are old and grey and full of sleep,早期作品愁思; And bending down beside the glowing bars。
十七岁开始写诗; How many loved your moments of glad grace展开