
文章简介:伊斯兰堡,巴基斯坦-酒店里的早餐时分,我在取玉米片的时候遇到了一些麻烦.装玉米片的是个底部带把手的圆柱体容器,按下把手玉米片才会流出来,而把手卡住了.我深感挫败,于是放弃了准备走开,但差点撞到一位年轻女人身上,她刚才应该看到了我的窘境.Dui Bu Qui, (excuse me), she said, addressing me in Mandarin, before simply opening the top of the container and ladling out her cor


Dui Bu Qui, (excuse me), she said, addressing me in Mandarin, before simply opening the top of the container and ladling out her cornflakes.


She then returned to a table of what looked to me like Chinese businessmen. She was by far the smartest-dressed at the table, the translator I assumed, while the men-ruddy faced, a bit rough around the edges, and looking a little uncomfortable in dark suits and ties-were fairly typical of the traders or small town entrepreneurs I'm more familiar with on trips to provincial China.


I looked further around the restaurant. There were several more tables of what looked to me like Chinese businessmen, while at the back, more discretely seated, was a more polished group, Chinese diplomats or bankers perhaps, pouring over some documents.

(Possibly the latest photos of the American stealth helicopter downed in the Osama bin Laden raid, one colleague mischievously suggested.

The Chinese military is allegedly anxious to get a look at the plans for the sophisticated chopper that was capable of evading radar detection).
